If I could comprehensively put my thoughts into words, I’d have a collection of books. So I’ll just share a few digestible sentences of my thoughts here…
1. I’m grateful for friends (allies & POC) who’ve reached out to me. We’ve had tough conversations and loving conversations, all ultimately fueling growth.
2. Despite all of this: Through the endless tears, hurt, anger, sadness, pain, & exhaustion, I’m still, and will forever be UNAPOLOGETICALLY PROUD TO BE A BLACK WOMAN.
3. Unity starts with ‘U/You’ Use your voice, use your platform, use your influence. I don’t care if you have two friends or a million friends. YOU can be the change. Educate those around you. If you’re the one who needs to be educated, DM me. I’ve got some great resources for you.
4. If you don’t know what to say, pray and ask God to give you the words. If you’re afraid you’ll say the wrong thing, you’ll find out pretty quickly if you’ve said the wrong thing.
5. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel uncomfortable. It really is okay.
6. I’ll continue to have these tough conversations and answer any questions that come my way.
7. I love my people. I support my people. #BlackLivesMatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd