5-minute Skincare

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I have to admit, these new Coola organic vegan skincare products are incredible. This is exactly what my skin was needing and craving and I had no idea. There’s so much natural goodness in each of these products. I immediately saw results after using for one day. My skin feels so much more hydrated and not dry or greasy. My five minute skincare routine using these 3 products is perfect for getting ready for bed and getting ready for the day each morning. Definitely recommend trying this new skincare collection!

Product Review: Kraft Vinaigrettes

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I love a good salad 🥗 & the dressing is KEY 🔑. Today I tried two new @kraft_brand vinaigrettes! One was Raspberry and the other was Roasted Garlic 🧄 . The Raspberry Vinaigrette is definitely a winner. 🥇 They both are delicious vinaigrettes and are perfect for a fun summer salad! ☀️ I’d actually even recommend using the roasted garlic vinaigrette as a marinade as well! 😋. Enjoy friends! 💜⁣

#NewKraftVinaigrettes #kraftsummersalads #kraft #saladdressing #summersalad #healthy #influenster #healthylifestyle #roastedgarlic #raspberryvinaigrette #viniagrette #productreview #contest #complimentary #blogger #influencer #danaetravels #girlboss #bossbabe #entrepreneur #summer2020 #bbqseason #saladlover #summerfun #tastetest #delicious #florida #fortlauderdale #miami ⁣ @Influenster @Influenster.eats

***I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.