5-minute Skincare

NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO is up! Click the link below to watch.

I have to admit, these new Coola organic vegan skincare products are incredible. This is exactly what my skin was needing and craving and I had no idea. There’s so much natural goodness in each of these products. I immediately saw results after using for one day. My skin feels so much more hydrated and not dry or greasy. My five minute skincare routine using these 3 products is perfect for getting ready for bed and getting ready for the day each morning. Definitely recommend trying this new skincare collection!

I’ve decided to go VEGAN!

Wow. What a decision. Here’s a little back story:

In 2018 I decided to pursue a vegan diet for one year. It was very challenging, but I accomplished my goal nonetheless. I wanted to challenge myself to a healthier lifestyle for at least one year. Well why not make it indefinite, you ask? To be quite honest, it’s because I really love seafood. At the time, I was not willing to give up my favorite food group.

Fast forward to May 2020. Here I am, during the COVID-19 pandemic, with lots more free time and time for reflection and self evaluation. The other day, I was having a conversation with my twin brother and his friend, who is vegan. During our conversation we talked about vegan dishes, and vegan dining options. It was in that moment that I realized I was actually proud that I followed a vegan diet for a year. To be fully transparent, I really wanted that sense of pride back. There was this sense of wanting to prove to myself that I didn’t have to make excuses for everything; that I could totally take on a lifestyle change, challenge or not. My decision was more than just trying cool new recipes and taking super aesthetic photos. It was living longer. My focus was now good health, caring more for my temple (body), and ultimately, my livelihood.

So what now? It starts now. No turning back. I have a new mindset and I’m ready to live a healthier lifestyle. No excuses.

Cheers to more life…and fun food photos!