20 Minute Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

This pasta #sauce is so simple yet #delicious. It takes roughly 20 minutes to make, but to be honest, the longer it sits and absorbs flavor, the better it tastes. This sauce can be used on many types of #pasta.

I created this recipe one evening after a long day of work. I wanted a delicious home cooked meal, but I didn’t want to be in the kitchen #cooking all day. I also didn’t want to use a jar of #spaghetti sauce, although I do appreciate a good jarred sauce. Lately, I’ve also been trying to eat more whole foods instead of highly processed foods when possible. This is better for my body and my digestive system.

I like this recipe because you don’t have to be a pro to make this sauce. It’s simple enough to follow and even if you are a pro, you can doctor it up and make it your own. That’s the beauty in cooking. My grandma taught me how to cook without measuring and trusting your taste. It took me a while to master my flavors, but I’m confident that I’ve reached a point to know when to add more of a specific ingredient, based on how it tastes. I’ve also learned a few tricks to balance out the overpowering of a particular ingredient or flavor.

This recipe is quite delicious and the best part is that you can store and reuse this sauce at a later date, if you’d like. This recipe serves about 6 hungry individuals.

I absolutely LOVE to cook and I hope to keep sharing some of my delicious recipes with you all. 💙

Be sure to like the video and leave comments. I look forward to your comments. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel. Much appreciated!

Danae’s Spaghetti Sauce

8 (tomatoes of your choice chopped)

1 (3.5 fl oz. tomato paste)

4 (dashes of crushed red pepper flakes)

2 (table spoons of Italian seasoning)

1 (teaspoon of ground black pepper)

1 (teaspoon of salt)

1/8 (cup of sugar)

6-8 (cloves of garlic)

1 (whole chopped white onion)

Chop and cook all ingredients together in pot on medium heat for 20 minutes

Pulse cooked mixture in blender for 30 seconds

Return sauce to heat while boiling pasta separately

Serve together and enjoy 😉

Wash Day Routine

Curious which products work best when washing your hair? The key elements that I look for in shampoo and conditioner are:

Vegan formula

Paraben free

Sulfate free

No silicones

No artificial colors

This was my first time using Carol’s Daughter Wash Day products and I was thoroughly impressed. My hair felt clean, but not dry. My hair was not stripped of its moisture, which is very important. There was no excess build up of product and my hair was not oily.

The conditioner detangled & reduced my combing time significantly. I love that my hair felt so soft from these natural ingredients. I definitely recommend using these products for your wash day, no matter what type of hair you have.

5-minute Skincare

NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO is up! Click the link below to watch.

I have to admit, these new Coola organic vegan skincare products are incredible. This is exactly what my skin was needing and craving and I had no idea. There’s so much natural goodness in each of these products. I immediately saw results after using for one day. My skin feels so much more hydrated and not dry or greasy. My five minute skincare routine using these 3 products is perfect for getting ready for bed and getting ready for the day each morning. Definitely recommend trying this new skincare collection!

What’s the secret to soft, chewy homemade cookies?

You’ll have to check out my new YouTube video below to find out! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel. 🙂

I’ve tried sooooo many #chocolate chip #cookie recipes, and none of them have been mind blowing. These, my friend are on a whole new level! They are soft and delicious, and they don’t get hard and crunchy after sitting out. This is my new favorite chocolate chip cookie #recipe. What’s your favorite type of #homemade cookies? Let me know in the comments! 🙂